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Can't find my profile

If you can't find your profile...

Dr. Ahmad is not enrolled in the program. If you are  a patient of Dr. Ahmad you can continue to book your appointments via telephone.


Lockview Medical Clinic can not reset your password. Please keep your pin number safe, you will need it if you forget your password.


If you can't find your profile while registering in the patient portal the reason may be an incorrect or empty email address on your records. Please update your information here.


If you forget your password and your pin contact Pomelo support here:

we cannot retrieve your password.

Booking rules

Please follow these rules while booking your appointments

- If you had an appointment today, please wait until tomorrow to book your next one.
- Do not book an appointment under your name for a family member, you can connect your dependents to your account and book on their behalf
- Give the doctor as much information as possible so they can better help you
- If your doctor requested an In-Person appointment please indicate that in the appointment request

- If there are no opening please check again tomorrow for cancellations and new availabilities.

- The front desk only has access to the next 2 weeks, appointments are available online first.

Family Connections

If you need to book or communicate on behalf of a dependant...

If your family shares one email, one person has the ability to control the appointments of all the members in the family. 

For Example, If Steven, his wife Sarah, and his two children are all patients of Dr. Paine, Steven has the ability to book for himself, his wife and his children. 

After registration, the patient may manually add their family members through the Connected Accounts under the My Account Menu found on the bottom panel Dashboard..


On the Connected Accounts Page, you can search for any family members through the Add New Connection search panel by using their First Name, Last Name, Personal Health Number (PHN), and Date of Birth. 


In order to book appointments for a family member who is 16 or Older, please have that person call or come into our office and authorize your connection.  Due to the medical-legal implications of booking appointments for those over the age of 16, we must get their authorization prior to allowing parents or other family members to book appointments and have access to their medical information on their behalf. 


If you can't find your dependan't profile while registering in the patient portal the reason may be an incorrect or empty email address on their records. Please update your information here.

Log in to the Patient Portal to book your appointments and contact our office

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